bbPress Topics for Posts

Automate use of an integrated bbPress forum install for handling comments on your WordPress posts and pages.



This plugin adds an option to the Discussion meta box allowing an author to create a new bbPress forum topic, or select an existing one, to attach to his post or page. A site admin can also set a default forum for all new posts and pages.

Now authors can select from a wealth of display options, from the full topic to a simple link, and the display system has hooks for extension by developers or integrators. The topic itself is built according to a rich template system to accommodate any site.


Some of the filters you can use to customize bbPress Topics for Posts to fit your needs:

bbppt_eligible_post_status ( array( 'publish' ) )
Return an array of post statuses that you want to trigger new topic creation (when selected). By default, this is only publish.
bbppt_eligible_post_types ( array( 'post', 'page' ) )
Return an array of post types that you want to be able to associate with topics. By default, posts and pages are included.
bbppt_topic_content ( $topic_content, $post_ID )
Filter the content of the topic to be created. The first parameter is the topic content generated according to your template. The second is the ID of the current post or page.